TAR+FEATHER Minutes // 082919
TAR+FEATHER (A Production Company)
Minutes of (semi) weekly meetings in Go-Big-or-Go-Home Hall, August 29, 2019
*Compiled and paraphrased by I. Oddfellow
- Icarus Oddfellow (taking dictation)
- Dr. V – Technically present, though he arrived 45 minutes late and appeared to have just wandered in by chance while, evidently, looking for a missing sock.
- Captain, the dog (sleeping again)
- Folks with money. They never seem to show up when you need them.
As stated above, Dr. V was quite tardy and formally welcomed everyone (me) only after it slowly dawned on him that we’d had this meeting on the books. He played it off rather smoothly, though, blaming bad traffic (despite the fact that he does not own a car). He inquired briefly about a sock that went missing (one of his BRAND NEW ONES) and then said, “…hell, if we’re both here we might as well discuss some things.” Meeting was called to order at 11:17am.
I (Icarus Oddfellow) recounted our previous minutes. Dr. V asked if this was really necessary.
- Dr. V apologized for disappearing last weekend. He says that sometimes he just needs to “get the fuck out of dodge.” He did mention, however, that he ended up at the Ritz in Palm Springs and that he had a very lovely time there.
- Dr. V has a new contract with Netflix but he signed a NDA about it so that’s all he can talk about.
- Lunch is to come from the sandwich bar at Sprouts today. Maximum order: $7.50
- Discussion about the (semi) completion of the new website.Everyone (Dr. V and I) seems to be in agreement that it’s a decent effort, and that it is finally a thorough and accurate representation of Dr. V’s eclectic, possibly confusing, body of work. V asks if he should be more discerning about what goes on the site – he acknowledges that some of the stuff is not his A-game – but then answered his own query stating, “…you know what, fuck it, whatever…”
- The new season of Succession (how do people who don’t really DO ANYTHING get so rich?!?!?)
- Recent barrage of spam phone calls
- Being a better person
Will reconvene hopefully next week. Meeting adjourned at 12:12pm.