BLOG - ODDFELLOW - A Media Production Company
Production, Commercial, Music Video, Film, Television, Short Film, Advertising, Art, Los Angeles, Media, Music, Video, production, post production, los angeles, la, art, film, music, music video, director, vfx, design, edit, multimedia, california, television, broadcast, media
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Oddfellow here. I GOT THE VACCINE! Some very nice gentleman knocked on the door to the office and said he could “hook me up” for $50. While I didn’t have any cash on hand, he agreed to do it for 5 SlimJims and a high...
Oddfellow here. Still quarantined at the office. As a member of the “Gen Z,” (middle part, 4eva), a former marathoner, and an employee in the entertainment industry (though my direct deposit from T+F stopped showing up months ago), it seems the likelihood of getting vaccinated...
Oddfellow here. It has been about 10 months since my last entry and I’m still quarantined in the office. The DirecTV went out about 9-and-a-half months ago so I’ve had no way to receive updates regarding the pandemic, but if I step outside I can...
Oddfellow here. While you are all working from home, I'm hunkered down in the office. The shelter-in-place order came down while I was in the middle of a lengthy logging session and now it seems I'm stuck here. Uncle Jared - he's directed me not...
Oddfellow here, with a long overdue Mixtape Monday. Seeing as though I've just digitized about 20,000 hours of Dr. V's old CD collection, I'll be taking over this responsibility for the foreseeable future (hopefully, if nothing else, I can bring back an element of punctuality)....
Goodness gracious, it’s incredible how time flies when Dr. V asks you crawl up into the attic, locate his old CD collection*, and digitize/categorize the entire inventory. Plus, most of the CDs were burned versions (unlabeled, of course) that iTunes couldn’t recognize and so I...
TAR+FEATHER (A Production Company)
Minutes of (semi) weekly meetings in Go-Big-or-Go-Home Hall, August 29, 2019
*Compiled and paraphrased by I. Oddfellow
Icarus Oddfellow (taking dictation)
Dr. V – Technically present, though he arrived 45 minutes late and appeared to have just wandered in by chance while, evidently, looking for...
First off, apologies for the tardy update. I’ve spent the better part of my trial week as an official employee of TAR+FEATHER unsubscribing from spam emails and resetting forgotten passwords for all our social media accounts. I’m Icarus ( I’ve been assigned the task of...
TAR+FEATHER (A Production Company)
Minutes of (semi) weekly meetings in Go-Big-or-Go-Home Hall, August 21, 2019
*Compiled and paraphrased by I. Oddfellow
Icarus Oddfellow (taking dictation)
Jared Varava (has requested, and will, hereupon, be referred to as “Dr. V”)
Captain, the dog (sleeping)
The Los Angeles Sanitary Department that has yet to...